Dead Sea Bath Salts

Dead Sea Bath Salts

Sale Price:$8.00 Original Price:$10.00
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Big, beautiful jars of bath salts! These rustic, chunky salts come directly from the Dead Sea. Completely unrefined, these salts are solar evaporated from the southern Dead Sea water in Israel.  Pure, fresh salts with a mineral content that is 7 times greater than other types of sea salts, they work wonders on purifying and detoxifying, improving circulation and moisturizing skin, soaking away stress, and relaxing muscles, aches and pains.

The Dead Sea salts are quite concentrated in their healing and nourishing properties, so a little goes a long way.  Just toss a small handful, or approximately a quarter of a cup into your bath water, and use even less for foot soaks.  The fragrance may seem a little strong at first whiff in the bottle but they are scented to fill a full bath.

What I know for sure is that when you finally drag yourself out of these glorious bath waters, you are left with unbelievably soft, silky smooth skin that seems almost brand new. For little foot baths or long evening soaks, these are the best bath salts I’ve ever tried.

Ingredients: Dead Sea Salts, essential and/or fragrance oil

Net Weight: 16 oz