Soap hobby anyone?

Have you thought about making your own soap at home? It’s one thing to buy a kit and try it once, but if you happen to catch the bug and decide this is your newest passion (the year of sourdough is over) then there are some things to consider as you set aside some space and start purchasing supplies.

The folks at Redfin reached out to me and a bunch of other small soap making business for tips, hints and suggestions about what we thought a home soap maker should keep in mind. As you might expect, most of us were thinking safety and practicality. Especially with ingredients like lye in the house, you don’t want to be careless with kids and pets around. Interested in reading more?

“Soap is an essential item that people use every day, and for the craftsman, making soap is a delicate art form that takes years of experience to master. For those who have experience making soap, having a dedicated space in your home to create is important. With any craft, aspects such as safety to organization are important to take into consideration.

In order to help you get started, Redfin reached out to expert soap makers from Sacramento, CA to Deschenes, QC, including myself, and asked for our best advice on crafting the perfect soap making room in your home. Click here to see what we had to say.”