Wanna smell wicked good? 😈

Well hello fa-boo-lous dahlings!

Is it time to flip the calendar page already? Yikes, it's October!!! The battiest month when Halloween and Christmas duke it out in the shopping aisles fighting to be the biggest decorating holiday. My goodness time flies - like a witch on her broomstick across the skies.

Aside from all the (candy) corny jokes, October is truly magical. Fall foliage is at its best while the temperatures are still warm and dry enough to get out and revel in it. It's the small space of breathing room before the rush of holidaying gets under way. To me, it feels like a soft, cozy nap on a Sunday before the work week begins again. 


My favorite part of this soap business is creating the seasonal fragrances. The entire process - from idea, to scent and color experiments, to all the new smells curing in my studio - it still makes me happy, even after all these years.

What I hope that means for you? Grabbing a new soap for the shower doesn't have to be a boring chore. It can be an indulgent treat, a gentle reminder of the good things in life, and a moment to savor the beauty of exactly where we are in the natural order of things. 

The new fall menu captures some of the best smells of the season: Honey Apple Cider, Pumpkin Pistachio, Red Rose + Spice, and Autumn Equinox. Cozy, spicy, nostalgic - we could all use a warm hug in the hot shower on a brisk, nippy morning.


Hey, you know those fun "summer getaway" scented sets of mini soaps we've featured the last few months? Well, I've just got a handful of those left in stock. To make room for fa-la-la-festive winter sets for the holiday gift giving season, I've discounted them to HALF the regular price. If you thought you missed out, here's your chance to snag those once-in-a-lifetime special scents. They won't be back next year, because I'll be cooking up something new. (Reg $12/ Sale $6 ea)


Although I introduced this soap as a summer scent this year, I had hoped it would be a smash hit so I could keep it on the regular menu because it's gorgeous. And it's pretty much ALL the time that I need a reminder of the sea, the waves, the salty breezes, and the sheer beauty and magnificence of oceans in our world. Having this pretty bar of soap in my shower, gently calling me to the beach, relaxes my stress and soothes my soul. Plus the silky smoothness on my skin? Game changer.

I feel this way about trees and forest too, but with the Winter Solstice soap making a return for winter (yes, it will be back) I decided to wait just a little bit before bringing back the Forest Bathing scent to the line-up also. These two scents are my must haves for 2023 and holy cow, are we heading into an election year? I'm going to need a lot more aromatherapy for THAT!


The fall seasonal menu is our shortest - however these autumn soaps will still be around for the next month or two. As you know, holiday shopping goes full tilt once we head into November. Check your inbox November 1st for the Winter Holiday announcement. We've got some fun new (and old fave) scents on the way!

Snuggle into all the pumpkin spice coziness. October is peak autumn, spooktacularly wonderful and bewitchingly boo-tiful. Eat drink and be scary!

Heidi Risse, your ghostess with the mostess

“I do believe in an everyday sort of magic -- the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone.” 

- Charles de Lint