The Latest News - August


Hello clean, good-smelling people! How are you beating the heat?

It's August, the Dog Days, and the final lap of our relay race through summer. We're glued to the Olympics right now, caught up in the stories of sacrifice and glory, endurance, strength of will and spirit, hopes and dreams, plus grace and gratitude even in the face of defeat. Plus it's too hot and smoky outside to do much else. Perfect pairing!


August is peak summer and the hottest month of the year. We've already broken records for heat all over the place in June and July, so fingers crossed that we can squeak through this month without another freak heatwave (or forest fire). Keeping it cool is just one cold shower away, though. Or a bucket of ice cubes in your tub. Taking a pretty, good-smelling soap with you is just the cherry on top.

We're winding up the summer seasonal scents and have a few of them left in stock. Did you try them yet? They probably won't last long so nab one quick. This year's summery soap scents are crisp, cool and refreshing - perfect for chilling: Beach House, Cotton Blossom, Dew Drop, and Green Tea & Cucumber.



Oh my goodness! It's been such a long time since I've been able to stock my fave wooden soap dishes in the studio. The slat rectangle and round styles are finally here and they are beautiful. Solid hardwood (teakwood) and coated with a waterproof coating, they last longer than most, drain nicely so the soap doesn't turn to mush, and look lovely in your shower or next to your sink.

They are back in many of the gift sets and available individually too. You will not find a better soap dish for the amazing price of just $4 each. Replace all your old crusty ones! Pretty soaps need pretty dishes, right?


A local car tinkering, wood-worker guy contacted me recently and wondered about a pumice soap, something that would truly scrub off the residue of working with your hands. Could I make something like that? Me: More experiments? I'm all in!

So I scoured the internet first. Found all the maker's tips and recipes. And then created something new with my own little flair. This soap has a bucket load of pumice sand in it, which feels sandy, but not sand-papery. It definitely exfoliates but with a really soft touch. And the lather is rich and creamy, an added bonus I did not expect. The scent is herbal fresh, a mix of mint and spices and a touch of citrus to brighten it up. I wanted to tempt not only handy guys, but crafters and gardeners too, people who are looking for something to soften their summer-sandal rough heels and feet, even foodies in the kitchen - pretty much everybody.

There is just one batch of this available. And if you want to give it a suds, I'm all ears on feedback about what you like or don't like. I'm considering putting this type of soap on the regular menu if it gets enough interest.


Well, we're all hoping for a fall that looks more like the years before the pandemic times. If we can out-maneuver Delta that is. Schools back in session, fall festivals, live sports events, pumpkin farms and apple picking, eating out at our favorite restaurants again, and maybe meetings in the office too (dang it). No matter what, Mother Nature will be doing what she always does this time of year - with gorgeous fall colors, nippy evenings, and rain showers, reminding us that seasons change, life goes on, and everything comes full circle.

I'm so excited to share my new fall soap scents with you, but they are under wraps for a few more weeks. Check your inbox (or Facebook or Instagram) at the beginning of September for my Autumn Newsletter.

Be well and stay safe out there!