Autumn Harvest 2019


Autumn is a jumbled up suitcase of bittersweet contrast. A crazy mixed-up time of goodbyes and sad endings tangled up with excitement and anticipation of new beginnings. One moment it’s tearful farewells to vacation pals and summer crushes. The next moment, a flutter of happy reunions with school buddies, looking forward to new chapters and freshly baked dreams.

Like a brand new backpack stuffed with blank pages, sharp pencils and un-cracked books, fall always arrives with hope, optimism and a chance to start over. Outside, the plants are withering, leaves are dying, and the natural world is turning from harvest to hibernation. Yet in our hearts, we are buzzing and alive, brimming with eagerness for what lies ahead, just out of sight. 

Snap snap. It’s time to jump on the autumn train and leave summer in the rear view. Tally ho! (And bring a sweater.)


Autumn’s cool, crisp air intensifies our senses. The vivid colors of fall leaves are more brilliant, the crackle of leaves and shrieks of wind sound more shrill, the bright sky sparkles more deeply blue, and the scents of the season are more delightful than you ever remembered. This year’s autumn harvest soaps feature the very best fruits and spices of the season. ($ 4.50 each)

FIG & LEMON  - I think I mentioned it last fall, but I’ve planted a couple of fig trees at the new casa, because I can grow figs in California! And I love figs – everything about them, from their gorgeously purple color, to the ripe juicy insides. And when you add the zest of fresh lemon, it’s magic. This is a beautiful fig scent, with notes of plum, dark berries and a pinch of spice - brightened up with a squeeze of tart lemon. A lovely purple plum colored bar.

COCONUT ORANGE CARDAMOM – This is a delicious dreamsicle of a soap. Rich coconut milk, a touch of sweet orange, and beautiful cardamom spice blend together in a not-too-sweet, yet completely yummy, creamy fragrance. It was an experimental batch that I brought to a show and it sold out in minutes. It was the first bar everyone picked up - and literally nobody put it back down, clutching tightly and sniffing repeatedly.

EUCALYPTUS MUD – Mud?! Yes, mud. The muddy, clay bottom of the Dead Sea to be exact. It has special ninja powers for skin. Clay draws out impurities, the high salt content silkens and smoothes, and the potent minerals revitalize and nourish, making this a truly special pampering bar. Helpful for a full range of skin set backs – sun exposure, sensitivity, breakouts, dryness, aging, or just plain life. It’s a beautiful olive green color, and the scent is calmly spa-like, a gentle herb and light wood essential oil blend of eucalyptus, sage and cedar. (100% natural)

CINNAMON ORANGE – There is nothing more traditional, more classic, more iconic for fall than the fragrance of orange spice. Sweet orange, dried orange peel, and cinnamon sticks are the perfect marriage of bright citrus and cozy spice. My soap version is subtle and sublime, a pure essential oil blend. A gentle nod to the season, rather than a knock your socks off, eye-watering potpourri. (100% natural) 



Our incredibly popular mini soap sets are back in stock – with a new combo of scents for fall! Helping Hand Soaps are a set of 5 small square soap bars in different scents (2 oz ea), a sampler of our very best seasonal soaps. Half the proceeds are donated to, the world’s first and largest person-to-person micro lending group. The loans go directly to women entrepreneurs with small businesses, offering a helping hand to make their work sustainable for themselves and the families they support. It takes so little to provide a step up for others following the same path in places where the struggle is a lot harder. Over the years, the proceeds from these soap sets have been continuously re-loaned as they are paid back, becoming an expanding trust of opportunities for women all over the world.

Stacked up and tied with bakery twine, this sweet package has scents of: (top to bottom): Winter Mint (white), Coconut Orange Cardamom (creamy tan), Lemon Ginger Carrot (orange),  Balsam Cedar (green), and Vanilla Woods (golden brown). It’s an excellent way to sample several of our best seasonal scents, AND they also make perfect small gifts for any occasion.

Cleaning up not only does a body good, it makes a difference in people’s lives too. ($12 each)


What nicer way to pamper yourself on a dark, stormy, bone-chilling evening than a soak in a luxurious hot bath? Dead Sea salts, packed with minerals, have remarkable benefits - silkening skin, soothing aches, releasing stress and calming jangled nerves. Three additional favorite autumn fragrances return: Rose Petals & Cardamom, Sweet Fig, Bourbon (Vanilla) Sandalwood. More scents to indulge in!   (16 oz bottle - $ 8)


Please note these Autumn Harvest seasonal products are like the fleeting colors of fall leaves - the time to catch them is short and sweet. Our Winter Holiday menu arrives November 1st, chock full of Christmas and holiday favorites, stocking stuffers, and unique gifts. If you’ve got a yearning desire for something mentioned here, jump quickly!


October marks two years for the big move from Seattle to Sacramento. Can you believe it? While it seems like forever that we did all that packing/unpacking, it also seems like just a couple of months ago that I was chatting with you all at shows – Sorticulture, Anacortes, even the Fair. 

Autumn is the season when things seem to come full circle, so gratitude and thanks-giving are just baked in. I want to let you know how much I appreciate your loyal support and steady online ordering that has given me the opportunity to continue this soap-making journey. I am deeply grateful for all the calls, personal notes, cheerleading and support you send my way too.

Wishing you all a brilliant abundant autumn season, with bright hopes for sparkling new dreams.

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